CBS followed HBO today, becoming the newest major television network to offer web-based TV service to viewers outside the long-standing cable and satellite provider system.
The streaming service, CBS All Access, costs $5.99-per-month (available to try here for 1 week free in some markets now) and is set to offer all the network's content, except NFL games.
Providing viewers with another game-changing viewing option, the move may signal the beginning of the industry-wide ripple effect that HBO's cord-cutting streaming announcement is expected to start.
Also Read: Get HBO in 2015 with No Cable
Add to that offerings from Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, and it looks like cable and satellite subscriptions may eventually, however slowly, become a thing of the past.
Statistically, younger viewers in particular are already watching more content through streaming and on-demand services than through cable or satellite, where they are tethered to network schedules.
While consumers have long dreamed of "ala carte" viewing, i.e. paying only for the content they want without having to subscribe to bundles of channels, many of which they don't watch, older viewers are still expected to resist the new technology, The Atlantic reports.