Barry Diller

Ben Hider/Invision/AP

Barry Diller

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Barry Diller


February 2

San Francisco, California

Barry Diller is an American businessman.

Diller currently serves as the Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia, Inc. and is the media executive responsible for the creation of Fox Broadcasting Company and USA Broadcasting.

Diller served for ten years as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Paramount Pictures Corporation starting in 1974. With Diller at the helm, the studio produced hit television programs such as Laverne & Shirley, Taxi, and Cheers, and films that include Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Raiders of the Lost Ark and sequel Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Terms of Endearment, and Beverly Hills Cop.

Barry Diller was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1994.

Barry Diller Hall of Fame Induction 1994
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