We email two (2) renewal invoice notifications to all members who provide an email address in their member profile. The first is sent 30 days prior to your renewal date. The second is emailed 15 days before your membership expires.
If you did not receive the notices, we suggest you check your spam folder, as well as update your email preferences.
Follow these steps:
On the Members page, log in.
Click the MY ACCOUNT tab.
The Profile tab will be displayed.
Click the Preferences tab.
Under "I would like to receive" look for the Television Academy Emails checkbox.
If you want to get emails, make sure that box is checked.
After you've updated your information, click the Save button to save it.
When subscribed to Television Academy Email, please add noreply@televisionacademy.com to your address book so that emails won't be filtered into your spam folder.
Additionally, even if your membership had not lapsed, all members of the Academy must go through a review process to ensure they meet the current requirements of their peer group. A policy change made by our Board of Governors in 2019, intended to uphold the stature of the Emmy Awards competition and the vibrancy of its membership, has resulted in this change. Your annual renewal date or submission of an application to rejoin activates this change. There are no exceptions.